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A Lost Picture of Jesus…The True Story Behind Akiane’s Masterpiece


How Jesus Saved His Own Portrait…

The True Story Behind Akiane’s Lost Masterpiece.

From the age of four, Akiane’s recurrent visionary inspiration was to depict a profound role model for humanity and paint a picture of Jesus. And when a mysterious carpenter knocked on her front door one day, Akiane knew right away, it was the time to paint the story of hope…

Akiane Painting Prince of PeaceAt the age of eight, Akiane completed her visionary artwork “Prince of Peace,” but, during her first exhibitions, virtually no one recognized the significance of her artistic interpretation of the picture of Jesus. In fact, almost everyone who viewed the portrait ruthlessly condemned it. Some suggested even burning it. Akiane’s family shipped the original to one art agent for an exhibition, but the agent stole the original and held it for ransom.

Picture of JesusAfter a miraculous chain of events and grueling negotiations, the painting was eventually returned, but it was shipped recklessly. When the bent crate was opened, Akiane’s original was all covered in sawdust, just like sawdust after the crucifixion on a tree. Akiane spent days carefully removing the sawdust specs with different tools, but many specs had become permanently embedded in the paint, a symbolic reminder of the scars of the crucifixion.

After a binding nine-year long contract with the agent was ended in court, “Prince of Peace” inadvertently fell into the hands of yet another agent and was mistakenly sold, instead of being displayed in a new exhibition as had been agreed-upon. So, Akiane and her family had another legal battle of separation.

For years, the owner kept Akiane’s original under a staircase, hidden out of sight. In the dark. The owner met an untimely death, and “Prince of Peace” became an unwanted burden for the family. It therefore was locked away from the public eye at an obscure storage site. Unfortunately, the owner’s family did not want to reveal the painting or sell it to anyone. And year after year, Akiane’s Jesus continued to be silenced, trapped in a “tomb”.

Over the years, Akiane painted different periods in Jesus’s life, but her grief over the loss of her beloved portrait, never lessened.

Akiane Father Forgive Them | Official Akiane Gallery
Akiane, Age 9 with Father Forgive Them
Akiane Painting Jesus | Official Akiane Gallery
Jesus, Painted as Adult

Fortunately, one transparency had been saved to make images and pictures of Jesus. And over time, Akiane’s most controversial image became the most cherished and collected of all of her artwork. It also became one of the most recognized pictures of Jesus in the world. After her traveling and working in 30 countries, something remarkable happened… For the first time in 16 years, Akiane’s painting of Jesus became available for acquisition. Sight unseen, Akiane’s original Prince of Peace was immediately purchased by one of the worlds most distinguish and esteemed families for US$850,000. Now, for the first time the art collectors are about to see the original portrait of Jesus…

The following conversation occurred in 2019 at an undisclosed art storage facility in California.Akiane at art storage facility

”We are about to see Prince of Peace, a painting that I haven’t seen since I was nine years old.” Akiane said.

How do you feel right now, Akiane?” Asked the Collector.

“As you can tell, I’m really nervous, And I don’t get nervous that often, but this is one of the most nervous times in my life.” She answered.

“Did you ever think you would see it again?”

“ No. I never thought it was possible.” Akiane replied.

“How do you feel right now?”

“This is going to be memorable for me…” she said.

Overjoyed the Collector responded, “This is a special moment. I feel so glad and lucky to be here with you”

“As you can tell my hands are shaking and sweating right now!” Akiane said.

“let’s go see it!” The Collector said.

Akiane seeing Prince of Peace for the first time

   Its the first time in 16 years that “Prince of Peace” will finally see the light. Akiane is overwhelmed…

“What was in your heart and mine when you were painting the eyes?” The collector asked.

“I wanted, specifically, for him to look at the person. And I think the reason… I think the reason why I wanted to do the eyes this way, was because I wanted Him to speak to the person. Whoever is looking at Him… almost like a personal conversation – an intimate conversation that only the person looking at Him can understand.” Akiane replied.

The sawdust and the thief’s fingerprints are still there… forever embedded in the dried-up oil paint, and so are Akiane’s childhood signature brushstrokes and her hidden paint marks.

Akiane next to Prince of Peace painting

Afterwards, the original was lovingly packed and flown in the most majestic and royal way possible in this world. the eight-year-old’s interpretation of Jesus and the message of real love and peace were finally resurrected. Akiane feels that God has chosen the most noble family in the world to free this one-of-a kind painting. The new family view themselves as stewards for the original. They feel it is their mission to protect this masterpiece for generations to come, so it can touch millions of more lives with its story.

Their main desire is for the “Prince of Peace” to be seen by millions of people around the world…

Akiane’s picture of Jesus is a Gift to the world. It was painted for peace, love and hope.

The original “Prince of Peace” and many early year works are now available for viewing free-of-charge at the Beloved Gallery in Marble Falls, TX.
